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Thursday, October 5, 2017

October 1 In Las Vegas

My heart does go out to the victims and loved ones of the tragedy in Las Vegas on October 1.  These destruction crazy lunatics just keep on breaking our hearts. I somehow think of the quote 'Bury my heart at Wounded Knee', another tragedy from another time.  That I have authored or participated on other blogs on this very subject speaks about these times in which I now journal. Whatever unfathomable notions that drive these hurtful actions to be contemplated by human beings stumps my brain beyond belief.

Republicans and the NRA have just recently both come out supportive about putting restrictions on 'bump fire stocks'.  As I mentioned in a previous blog, I think there needs to be more conversations about what controls can be added without upsetting the die-hard 2 Amendment supporters.  I can't help feeling that more can be done if we all really put our thinking caps on.

I read an article recently about Caleb Keeter of the Josh Abbott Band. His band performed at the tragic  Route 91 Harvest festival in Las Vegas on 10/01/2017, so he was a witness to the senseless violence.  Quoting Mr. Keeter, "“I’ve been a proponent of the 2nd amendment my entire life...Until the events of last night. I cannot express how wrong I was.” Several articles go on to discuss the NRA and it's supporting role in Country Music. 

A danger of course, is the NRA has very powerful influence across America.  The NRA speaks for a large number of Americans who are highly guarded against limiting any vestige of firearm limitations.  Conservative leadership is very careful to avoid crossing the NRA and the gun lobby, and that is understandable.  The freedom to bear arms is woven into our culture along with our other inalienable rights. I understand that. The fact that the NRA took a stand against bump fire stocks tells me that intelligent discussions can be had; this is a very positive sign for me.  But I do think much more can be done if we put our minds to it.

I have mentioned before that I have had some training on firearms, I even have a fondness for these items. But I have chosen to not have any firearms in my house to this date.  I raised my daughters and protected my family without the benefit of lethal weapons. I pray daily for the safety of my loved ones, and I feel that my prayers have been heard. For now, that has been enough protection for me. My thoughts about owning firearms for protection are tempered by a small voice that tells me that I don't want to ever use a weapon against another human, and that I know I could not live with one of my loved ones accidentally using my weapon to hurt another of my loved ones.  That would be beyond any pain that I could possibly endure. I hear people say 'if I raise my children to respect guns, they would never use it inappropriately', and I just don't buy into that particular notion. I was a boy, I think a very typical boy, and I know that s*** happens.  The temptation is just too big for some children that I would not want to bet their precious lives on 'teaching them to respect' a weapon that can do such heart-breaking damage.

It is interesting to me that one family member of mine has had two weapons stolen out of his vehicles. That is two lethal weapons out on the street available to inflict even more pain.  And he is probably one of the most responsible of my family members when it comes to firearms. Even his diligence and training has not prevented odd items of  unforeseeable consequence from occurring. The randomness of that alone tells me that our world needs a few more controls to protect us from our own foibles. And our world needs quite a bit more common sense advocated.

I guess I am asking each of you, dear readers, to have an open mind when it comes to discussing sensible, doable, gun control rules.  Do considerable contemplation on what controls can be achievable and make sense.  Think about locking up your guns, keeping ammunition separated as much as you can and still provide you the safety you feel that you need.  And, remember that prayers are very much stronger than bullets. I truly believe that.

Let's use this example of the 'bump fire stocks' to stoke more conversations about controls that do make sense. Limitations of magazine size? Limitations on various extremely lethal ammunition or weapon types? Locking down gun sales at gun shows?  I am not an expert on this discussion, but I know some of you are, I just know that more can be done if we put our minds (and prayers) toward a common goal...seeking sensible ways to reduce the damage these insane and destructive ne'er-do-wells can inflict upon those people we love.


1 comment:

  1. The Bump Stock issue sounds a good start, but the President appears to be vey undisturbed by the various shootings that take place , saying ' thoughts and prayers' . So there are three options here: 1) Congress produces concrete legislation that has an effect. 2) Congress produces but the President refuses to sign. 3) Everyone gives up and goes home. I wish you luck - most sincerely, and I remain completely 'gobsmacked' as to why there is no enduring outrage over the Vegas horror - and of course, we in Britain fail in so many ways too!
