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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Anatomy Of A Disease

Speaking of Zombie Apocalypse....I want to go on record to state that the Zombie disease as portrayed on most of the modern Zombie movies is best classified as an eating disorder.  Perhaps the eating disorder is combined with Alzheimer's and leprosy, but the primary classification would still be an eating disorder.

As played in most of the modern TV shows and popular movies, the zombie apocalypse is preceded by some type of escape of a military grade virus into the general populace. This is some type of man-made virus.  So exactly which Government entity decided to mix leprosy, Alzheimer's, and eating disorders upon the general public is pretty much a mystery. My thinking is that it was not Government at all, it would have to be Monsanto or Foster Farms or another one of the big food processing companies.  They would be the entities most likely benefiting by a bunch of insatiably hungry and brain dead immortals. Think of the profit margin generated!  Beasts who must eat non-stop, but can not digest what they eat, and have no memory or brain function to curb their desires.

As an eating disorder, one can't stop feeling a bit sorry for the zombies.  They have no capability to withstand their addiction. They can not die without a critical blow to the cranium. There digestion track is shot. One thing never depicted in the movies is the huge zombie excrement problem that must be generated by all the half digested meat they consume.  Zombie crap every where festering. "Lift up the seat", "don't forget to flush"....all those learned behaviors are thrown out the window. Now it's a life of endless kill, eat, crap, and kill again. The endless cycle, the depravity.

Not to mention, these creatures are living in a world much like a Salton sea. Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. Their Salton land is filled with other zombies, none of whom are digestible. Their disease prevents them from turning upon their mates for satisfying their unsalable urges. It is only fresh, uninfected meat that they must have.  Like they are on the Atkins or Paleo diet or some such thing. Poor creatures!

These programs never show what would happen to a zombie dining on zombie meat.  You would think some scientist or crackpot would have thought of this on the shows.  Dress some captured zombies up as mortals, spray them with fresh meat smell, and release them into the general zombie community like a Trojan horse.  What exactly happens when zombies dine on other zombies. Is there a zombie code that prevents this? Could it start a chain reaction, or a Zombie Zombie apocalypse.

Still, it all goes back to Foster Farms and Monsanto.  How did they intend to profit from the mess they made. It is obvious, they can make food products now without any government oversight, using any fresh meat source,  and no middlemen.  Pure profit.  But it's not like they can go back and charge the zombies for food once the live humans run out.  The zombies don't have Paypal or any other means to purchase from Monsanto after the last live human has gone. But rest assured, these companies must have thought this out and have an angle somewhere.  Some warehouse is sitting out there full of Zombie Soylent Products that are going to make someone somewhere very very rich. As they say, follow the money.

Cheers, nca

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