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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Jonna Linna On The Fly

Learning I would have to fly to Dallas for a day trip, I knew I wanted to bring a book on tape with me. I had never used my work I-Phone to download music or B.O.T., I thought I would give it a try.  At the library, I picked up a audio version of the novel "The Fire Wtness' by Lars Keplar. I loaded it in to iTunes and downloaded it to my I-Phone. The audio version was on 12 cd's.

Once ensconced on the plane, I turned on the airplane mode function and started up the story. I quickly learned that the method I had used to download the cd's caused whatever logic was in the I-Phone to randomize the selection of the chapters. The order of the story was virtually randomized. If I took the time to scan through the chapter headings, I could very slowly pick out the next chapter, but the randomness and the pausing while I searched for the next chapter quickly wore out the pleasure. I pocketed the I-phone and got out the cross-word puzzle in the air flight magazine.

Try two!

I went back to the library and read up on how to use Overdrive to download audio books directly to the I-phone. I then used Overdrive and my library card to download 'The Fire Witness' to my I Phone. Now, the story is in order, logical, and as I soon found out, extremely riveting. The process of downloading is simple, and free to library patrons.The Fire Witness: A Novel

The basic story line for ''The Fire Witness' is a young teen girl at a group home is suspected of murdering another girl at the home along with one of the workers. She flees the scene after kidnapping a young boy and the story chronicles her pursuit while pondering the causes of her troubled life. The story is the third in a series that features Jonna Linna, Swedish Detective Inspector.

The Blackstone audio version is read very well by Mark Bramhall. The book was translated into English by Laura Wideburg, the quality of that translation I can't vouch for. :)

I highly recommend finding out about Overdrive and Free Library downloads from your local library. It you love audio books, it is pretty slick way to keep your I-Phone loaded with excellent stuff like "The Fire Witness",

P.S. Feeling guilty about downloading library books online?  Read this article about how authors feel about library downloaded literature.

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