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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Writers in the family

My daughter recently had an article published in the Ensign. Here is an excerpt...and a link to the entire article.

Did the Guidelines Apply to Me?

I decided to look up “Dress and Appearance” in For the Strength of Youth. It had been a while since I had reviewed the booklet, so the words jumped out at me: “Through your dress and appearance, you can show that you know how precious your body is. You can show that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ and that you love Him” ([2011], 6).
Those words echoed in my head. Was I a disciple of Jesus Christ? Was I willing to be true at all times and in all places (see Mosiah 18:9)?
Since then I have decided that even in my late 20s, I must maintain the principles I learned in my youth. Those principles definitely still apply to me. I want to be a good example to my children. I want them to know that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Pretty cool huh? I think so. I can freely admit I am proud of her. My youngest daughter has also had several stories published through a ghost writing company. I don't have a link to those since she does not own the rights, but here is a link for her vlog, which she writes the scripts for and costars in.  She is quite talented. My middle daughter and my wife also write. Here is a link to a story by my middle daughter (you can also find her blog to the right of this).
I write on this blog, nothing serious. But I always think a good story is in me, I've started a novel, but have not really gotten far. I actually had a joke published one time, and was paid for there, I am a published author...or jokester...or something.
What do you expect from a family where the mom and dad met at a Library. This year is the 30th year of that Scottsdale Public Library. Pretty cool, huh?
You can say...books and writing are in our blood.  I am proud of my girls and their many talents. I hope I can claim some help in fostering that. And maybe, just maybe...I will finish that novel.
Cheers, nca

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know Julie was in the Ensign, that is awesome! Very talented family! -Marlene
