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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Who is Cooler - Zen or Draper?

I started watching old episodes of Mad Men this year, and have to admit Don Draper is the epitome of cool. But I have also enjoyed the Zen miniseries on PBS, and no doubt Aurelio Zen is also pretty darn cool. So, which one is cooler.

Cool Factor                                     Draper                                                Zen                                            Edge
Cool Suits                         Cool 60's wear, Brooks Brothers Suits       Italian Designer Suits             Zen     
Cool Pad                           Draper lives in Suburbia New York            Italian Flat with Mom              Draper
Cool Smokes                     Lucky Strikes                                               Unknown European Fag          Zen
Cool Car                            1962 Cadillac Coupe de Ville                      Alpha Romeo Coupe                Toss Up
Lady Love                         French Speaking Megan (Jessica Pare)   Italian Tania (C. Murino)          Zen, by far
Uncool Vice                       Unrepentant Womanizer                           Ethical to a fault                         Toss Up

 And the winner is......Aurelio Zen, by a landslide. With his wink and smile, his loyalty to Mom, lovers, and friends, he is that cool friend we would all like to have. No, not a man crush this time....but Zen is just too cool for PBS. And what about more episodes? Get rid of those Sherlock Holmes episodes and give us more Zen!

Don Draper

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