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Monday, July 27, 2015

The HitchHiker

Sometimes I feel that I am a Hitch Hiker through life.  Much like the thumb bound lad of my early 20's I just attach on for the ride. Never really knowing where I am going or who I will meet next.

My brother and I used to do some crazy things in our youths. One of those crazy things was we would drive around town and find houses where big parties were going on. We would park and just go in, uninvited. We would wander the party, meeting people and having a few drinks, then leave.

The uninvited guests. Hitch Hikers.

Facebook seems to be like that sometimes.  Odd hitch hikers send me a friend notice and there we are, officially 'friended' on FB.  They can then grasp little tidbits about my life, and I can learn snippets of theirs.

One thing about being a true hitch-hiker, as back in my I always had the 'story' prepared. Why was I on a road in Ohio, or Canada, or Phoenix?  My story would be ready. The same story I told each proceeding ride and each succeeding ride.  Little tidbits of me, nothing substantial. And they too, sometimes, would share. Little snippets.Nothing substantial.

One odd thing I take pleasure in....hooking up two people on FaceBook. Two people from my past. Dude who used to work at Sky-Y, or go to school with me at Phoenix College, meet a mutual friend you once knew too. CONNECTION.

Why I take joy in making these connections I am really not sure. Putting the puzzle pieces of my past together and making a pleasing picture. Is there logic to this, if I connect b to c, will I discover a?

As if I could find all the puzzle pieces, every connection lined up in time order starting with my earliest memories.  Putting all the hitch-hikers of my life in order one by one until I could make some sense of order out of this chaos of my life.

Sometimes I think there is a missing connection, missing puzzle piece out there somewhere. Something important I missed in this great progression.  Yes, I have my wife and my three beautiful daughters. And yes, of course my sweet grands. But was there something else, someone else? Something I missed? Was there one more connection I was supposed to make?

I keep searching.

Cheers, nca