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Thursday, November 7, 2013

The RAC IT Team

This is the Phoenix branch of the IT team I manage. I am very proud of them and all their accomplishments. I am also blessed by their variety of skill sets and their diversity. Through IT I have been blessed to work with a wide variety of individuals from diverse cultures. I can't tell you what a thrill that is.

With the upcoming merger I realize that this team may no longer be organized at is is today. I don't know what the future will bring, but I am quite happy with what is here and now!

In my early years with the RAC IT team there was just a few of us. For a short time I was actually alone on the team through layoffs and attrition. For many years there were only three of us handling all development and day to day support. The Team has grown and changed over the years, yet the core of the original spirit of this hard working team has always been there.

Cheers to the members of my team, past and present....nca.